

Even if we can't change the law,
we can change the world.

"Famiee NFT CHARITY" is a charity auction of NFT Arts run by Famiee. All NFT works listed are donated with the permission of the author and owners. The proceeds of the sales will be used to fund the development of family certificate for various forms of family which is planned to develop following the existing "same-sex partnership certificate service", which has been used by more than 50 businesses and corporations, and local governments in Japan.

What's Famiee?

Famiee, a general incorporated association is working for the realization of a society where diverse family forms are accepted. We are 1) issuing partnership certificate using blockchain technology for the people who are not legally recognized as a family, eg. LGBTQ couples or the couples who wish to maintain their separate family names, and 2) building network of corporations who provide the services for the couples with our certificate as the same as for the legally married couples. We already have started issuing certificate for LGBTQ couples and more than 55 businesses and corporations, and local governments in Japan have accepted our certificate when they provide employee benefits or the services for family.

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Special Thanks

Fujiyo IshiguroANYAPP, inc.Kuriya Inc.Taihei ShiiYoko NoroMasafumi MasudaEric Matsunaga